President: Daniel Kristensen
Vice President: Dan Bartzick
Recording Sec: Janice Enos
Treasurer: Kim Kristensen
Public Lands: Kerry White
Grant Writer: Kristy Westergard
Grooming Committee:
Jim Kristensen
Wes Ferhr
Kevin Hochstrat
Bart Westergard
The grooming shed is located in Four Corners.
Take Huffine Lane (Hwy 191) west out of Bozeman to Four Corners. Turn left at the stop light at Four Corners. Head south for about 1/4 mile and take a right on 4th St. Go approximately 1/8 mile and turn left into the club parking lot.
1780 4th St. Four Corners
Daniel Kristensen - President (406)539-6959
Mailing Address:
1780 4th St
Bozeman, MT